Copyright Policy Statement

Authors who publish their manuscripts through the CONTEN : Computer and Network Technology, agree on the following points:

The copyright for scientific papers in this journal is held by the author.

The author gives up the right to first publish the manuscript of his scientific work and at the same time the author gives permission/license with reference to the Creative Commons Attribution License to other parties to distribute his scientific work while still including appreciation for the author and Journal of CONTEN : Computer and Network Technology as media First publication of the work.

Matters relating to the non-exclusiveness of the distribution of Journals that publish the author's scientific work can be agreed separately (for example: a request to place the work in question in the library of an institution or publish it as a book) with the Author as one of the parties to the agreement and with an award at the CONTEN : Computer and Network Technology as the first publication medium for the work in question.

Authors can and are expected to announce their work online (for example in a Repository or on their Organization/Institution page) before and during the manuscript submission process, because this effort can increase the exchange of citations earlier and with a wider scope.

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