Scopus Citedness
Jurnal Paradigma is cited by articles in the SCOPUS database at least 8 times. The following is the cited article (Update July 12, 2024)
Development of Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqoh, Waqaf and Grant Management Information Systems Using the Waterfall Method (2017) Paradigma, 19 (1), p. 52.
Cited by:
1. Review analysis of islamic donation mobile applications: A study using netnographic methods, Check publisher site
Penerapan Metode Data Mining C4.5 Untuk Pemilihan Penerima Kartu (2021) Paradigma-Jurnal Komputer Dan Informatika, 23 (2).
Cited by:
1. Classification Academic Data Using Machine Learning for Decision Making Process, Check publisher site
Analisis Kesuksesan Aplikasi Jakarta Kini (JAKI) Menggunakan Model Delone and McLean (2021) Paradigma-Jurnal Komputer Dan Informatika, 23 (1), pp. 43-48.
Cited by:
1. Do the people of Jakarta trust Jakarta Kini super application?, Check publisher site
Perancangan Sistem Tempat Sampah Pintar Dengan Sensor HCRSF04 Berbasis Arduino UNO R3 (2019) Paradigma-Jurnal Komputer Dan Informatika, 21 (1), pp. 55-60.
Cited by:
1. Smart Trash Bin for Management of Garbage Problem in Society, Check publisher site
Analisis dan Implementasi Diagnosis Penyakit Sawit dengan Metode Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). J Inf dan Komp. 2020; 22(2): 117-123.
Cited by:
1. Classification of Diseases in Oil Palm Leaves Using the GoogLeNet Model, Check publisher site
Analisis Pemanfaatan Berbagai Media Sosial Sebagai Sarana Penyebaran Informasi Bagi Masyarakat.” Paradigma - Jurnal Komputer Dan Informatika 19, no. 2 (2017): 152.
Cited by:
1. Representation of Family Law in the Digital Space: A Study of Discourse Analysis on Instagram Accounts, Check publisher site
Analisis Runtun Waktu untuk Memprediksi Jumlah Mahasiswa Baru dengan Model Random Forest. (2021) Paradigma-Jurnal Komputer Dan Informatika, 23 (3).
Cited by:
1. Explainable AI Prediction of Cooking Oil Prices over Time, Check publisher site
Data Mining Dengan Algoritma Apriori untuk Penentuan Aturan Asosiasi Pola Pembelian Pupuk. Paradigma [Internet]. 2017;XIX(1):74–9.
Cited by:
1. Determine of the purchase of ingredient using the apriori algorithm, Check publisher site