Implementation MFEP Method in Developing Recommendation System for Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Recipients
Recommendation Systems, PKH, MFEP, Decision Support SystemsAbstract
Poverty occurs because of the imbalance between unlimited human needs and limited resources. This results in a lack of income to meet basic living needs. The Indoonesian government's efforts to alleviate poverty include providing assistance to the poor or underprivileged with assistance called Social Assistance, one of which is the Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH). Problems often occur in determining who is entitled to receive PKH assistance. The conventional selection process is considered inefficient because it requires a long process and the influence of the committee's subjectivity in the assessment, the criteria used in the survey are not in accordance with government regulations and the limited quota of total PKH recipients, so there are still people who do not receive PKH even though they meet the criteria. This research uses the Multi Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP) method. System testing uses the black box method and Boundary Value Analysis techniques which focus on finding system errors. To test the system's accuracy by comparing the MFEP process from the system results and facts based on PKH recipients in 2022 and producing an accuracy value of 91%.
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