Rancang Bangun Website Game Online Red Games Menggunakan Extreme Programming
Website, Game Online, Extreme ProgrammingAbstract
This research aims to evaluate the performance and quality of the "Red Games" Online Game Website, focusing on browser compatibility, the quality of movements and gameplay flow, and the utilization of the Publisher feature. The evaluation is conducted to understand to what extent Red Games can provide a satisfying gaming experience, particularly as an entertainment medium for all ages, with a specific emphasis on children. The development of the Red Games online game website utilizes PHP and MySQL programming languages, along with the Extreme Programming methodology. The research findings indicate that Red Games has successfully optimized browser compatibility and presented satisfactory quality in movements and gameplay flow. The platform has also proven to be an appropriate entertainment medium for all ages, especially for children. The effective utilization of the Publisher feature has contributed to the building and development of the game.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Reza Maulana, Nur Aulia Hasanah, Novandi Catur Aditya, Nur Fatahilah Sultan, Arnita Nonot

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