Jurnal Abdimas Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer http://jurnal.bsi.ac.id/index.php/jatik <p><strong>Jurnal Abdimas Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer p</strong>ertama publikasi tahun 2024 dengan e-ISSN <a title="issn" href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20240201011090135" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3032-5749</a> dari Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN).</p> <p><strong>Jurnal Abdimas Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer</strong> merupakan jurnal hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dibidang Teknologi, Science, dan Informatika dengan persyaratan artikel tidak pernah dipublikasikan secara online atau versi cetak sebelumnya.</p> <p><strong>Jurnal Abdimas Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer</strong> diterbitkan dalam versi online dengan jadwal publikasi pada bulan Januari dan Juli setiap tahun.</p> LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika en-US Jurnal Abdimas Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer 3032-5749 Pelatihan Pembuatan Poster Menggunakan Canva Pada KSP PKK Sejahtera Sukabumi http://jurnal.bsi.ac.id/index.php/jatik/article/view/2976 <p><em>With the rapid progress of technology today, human needs are increasing. Poster creation was done using the Canva application. Posters are installed in busy and strategic places, such as in school areas, markets, offices, health facilities, and others. The information conveyed by the poster is inviting. Generally affixed to areas with flat surfaces, such as walls or boards, in crowded centers. The aim of the poster making training with Canva is to equip participants with basic skills in designing and creating attractive and effective posters. Participants will learn the basic principles of graphic design, such as layout, color selection, typography, and so on, which are important in creating attractive and informative posters. Participants will be taught how to use the tools and features available on the Canva platform to design posters, including selecting templates, images, design elements, and more. Participants will understand the different types of posters and the purpose behind their creation, such as event promotional posters, informational posters, educational posters, and others. The current problem with partners is that some of the KSP PKK Sejahtera members have never made posters at all. Meanwhile, these posters are sometimes needed when there are events or activities. Sometimes all this time when making a poster you only need to look for a picture and write it in Word and then print it, so it takes a long time. Apart from that, the use of computers is very ineffective, so this all becomes a problem in making posters at KSP PKK Sejahtera. Lack of information technology support, knowledge and understanding in managing and developing a business using the information technology platform causes service to members to be not optimal.</em></p> Dicki Prayudi Yusti Farlina Susilawati Susilawati Rina Riniawati Dede Kurnia Nabila Ayunida Lia Indriyani Mutia Ananda Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 1 1 1 5 Pelatihan Penggunaan VLOOKUP Sebagai Langkah Awal Peningkatan Kapabilitas Administratif Pada Kecamatan Warudoyong Kota Sukabumi http://jurnal.bsi.ac.id/index.php/jatik/article/view/3086 <p><em>The existence of technology is now comprehensive at all levels, including government departments, from the highest level, down to the smallest government level. As a local government entity, Kecamatan Warudoyong faces complexity in managing its administrative tasks. The limited technical skills of staff and the diversity of administrative data in the office are risk factors for data processing errors which can impact the quality of reports and decisions taken. To overcome the problems faced, digital administration skills need to be mastered by sub-district staff so that the administration process and information search can run optimally. Therefore, this community service activity was carried out as a first step to improve administrative capabilities in Kecamatan Warudoyong , Sukabumi. In this activity, material is delivered directly face to face which discusses the use of Microsoft Excel, with special emphasis on the VLOOKUP function. By holding this activity, it is hoped that it can provide the necessary insight and technical skills for sub-district staff so that they can increase efficiency in data management and speed up administrative processes.</em></p> Ita Yulianti Rusda Wajhillah Resti Yulistria Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 1 1 6 11 Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Arsip Digital Sebagai Penunjang Kinerja di Kecamatan Warudoyong Kota Sukabumi http://jurnal.bsi.ac.id/index.php/jatik/article/view/3095 <p>Dengan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi pada saat ini, menyebabkan kebutuhan manusia semakin bertambah. Salahsatu kegiatan yang memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi yaitu arsip digital. Arsip digital merupakan arsip yang disimpan menggunakan media elektronik dan dapat diakses dengan mudah. Salahsatu arsip digital yang dapat disimpan menggunakan media elektronik dan dapat dimanfaatkan secara bebas salahsatu diantaranya yaitu google drive dan google form. Arsip digital ini dapat digunakan sebagai penunjang kinerja salahsatunya di Kecamatan Warudoyong Kota Sukabumi. Pemanfaatan google drive dan google form dapat mempermudah dalam pengelolaan pengarsipan karena dapat diakses dimanapun, kapanpun dan menggunakan perangkat apapun untuk menyimpan file dalam bentuk foto, video, dokumen teks, spreadsheet dan presentasi. Selain itu, penyimpanan data pada google drive akan lebih aman dibanding penyimpanan lainnya karena dapat mengurangi resiko kehilangan data. Selain itu, pada google formulir terdapat adanya template yang beragam guna pembuatan kuesioner, dapat menggunakan berbagai macam jenis inputan sesuai dengan kebutuhan, bahkan dapat menambahkan video dan juga gambar, serta hasil tanggapan dari peserta bisa langsung tersimpan secara otomatis. Sedangkan manfaat dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta bisa lebih memahami dan memaksimalkan kemampuan penggunaan arsip digital, Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan di bidang komputer, manfaat bagi tutor, diharapkan mampu mengabdikan ilmu kepada masyarakat sebagai bentuk perwujudan dari salah satu Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Selain itu tutor dapat memiliki pengalaman dalam membuat perencanaan, melaksanakan dan mengevaluasi kegiatan yang diselenggarakan untuk masyarakat, yang sudah tentu berbeda dengan kegiatan dosen sehari-hari dalam mengajar mahasiswa di kampus.</p> Desi Susilawati A. Gunawan A. Gunawan Suhardjono Suhardjono Apip Supiandi Adam Satriany Abdul Kholik Dina Nazilah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 1 1 12 16 Mewujudkan Transformasi Digital Profil Sekolah MI Al Musthofa Karim Melalui Aplikasi Berbasis Website http://jurnal.bsi.ac.id/index.php/jatik/article/view/3063 <p><em>The need for fast and effective dissemination of information is very important for the progress of an organization. MI Al-Musthofa Karim is a school that provides school information through banners, notice boards and letters. Information media using physical media has limitations in the number of words or sentences to be conveyed, the range of recipients of the information, printing costs, and updates if errors or changes in information occur. This community service is carried out with the aim of creating digital information media, namely website-based applications. School profile websites have advantages in terms of wider reach, the ability to provide more complete and updated information, and obtain information directly. The application was built using the PHP programming language, CI3 Framework as the backend and also Bootstrap as the Front End. Previously, communication was carried out with partners to find out partner needs, then designed and created a school profile website. Socialization of the use of the profile website is carried out by providing training to teachers and school principals as website managers as well as making good releases as content material for the school profile website. This community service activity resulted in a profile website for the MI Al-Musthofa Karim school which has an IPR certificate. School profile websites can disseminate complete and accurate information, with a wider reach and are easily accessible. Apart from that, this school profile website can also be used as school promotional media.</em></p> Tuti Alawiyah Bambang Kelana Simpony Taufik Wibisono Nurhalimah Nurhalimah Ari Zainal Fauziah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 1 1 17 24 Pengenalan Dan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Augmented Reality Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Raudatul Athfal Nurul Iman http://jurnal.bsi.ac.id/index.php/jatik/article/view/3147 <p><em>This Community Service activity was carried out at Raudatul Athfal Nurul Iman which is located at Kp. Rt.03/03 Market, Karangtengah Village, Cibadak District- Sukabumi Regency-West Java, on 25 – 26 November 2023. Raudatul Athfal (RA) is a level of early childhood education (i.e. ages 4-6 years) in the form of formal education, under the management of the Ministry of Religion. Learning for children can be boring, so teachers must be smart in choosing ways and methods to motivate them so that learning becomes fun for them. The development of increasingly sophisticated technology makes teachers confused about whether to use appropriate methods in teaching children. The solution to this problem is to introduce the Augmented Reality (AR) method, where this method provides the opportunity to stimulate students' intellectual curiosity with the augmented reality presented to them. And useful as an educational medium for any knowledge. From the results of this Community Service activity, it was obtained that the level of participant satisfaction was 53%, they were very satisfied, 20% were satisfied and the remaining 27% of respondents felt quite satisfied. It is hoped that this activity will provide good benefits for the institution, especially the teachers who teach Raudatul Athfal.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Raudatul Athfal, Motivation, Augmented Reality</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Eva Marsusanti Uni Eva Agung Wibowo Rusli Nugraha Rifa Nurafifah Syabaniah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1 1 25 31 Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Teknologi AI Untuk Konversi File Pada Kantor Kecamatan Warudoyong Sukabumi http://jurnal.bsi.ac.id/index.php/jatik/article/view/3158 <p>Pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas kinerja di Kantor Kecamatan Warudoyong, Sukabumi melalui pelatihan pemanfaatan teknologi <em>Artificial Intelligence</em> (<em>AI</em>) dalam konversi file. Perkembangan teknologi <em>AI</em> telah membuka peluang baru untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi di berbagai bidang, termasuk administrasi perkantoran. Pelatihan ini akan fokus pada pengenalan dan penerapan teknologi <em>AI</em> dalam proses konversi file, termasuk pengorganisasian, pengelolaan, dan pemrosesan data secara otomatis. Peserta pelatihan akan diberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang konsep-konsep dasar <em>AI</em> serta keterampilan praktis dalam menggunakan alat-alat <em>AI</em> untuk mempercepat dan meningkatkan proses kinerja sehari-hari di kantor. Melalui pengenalan teknologi <em>AI</em>, diharapkan peserta pelatihan, yang terdiri dari staf Kantor Kecamatan Warudoyong, dapat mengoptimalkan tugas-tugas administratif mereka, mengurangi beban kerja manual, dan meningkatkan akurasi data. Dengan demikian, kinerja kantor diharapkan menjadi lebih efisien, responsif, dan dapat memberikan pelayanan yang lebih baik kepada masyarakat. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak positif jangka panjang dengan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang modern, terkini, dan adaptif terhadap perkembangan teknologi. Selain itu, partisipasi aktif peserta dalam pelatihan akan membantu menciptakan budaya kerja yang inovatif dan berkelanjutan di Kantor Kecamatan Warudoyong, Sukabumi.</p> Ramdhan Saepul Rohman Erni Ermawati Renny Oktapiani Dasya Arief Firmansah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1 1 32 41 Graphic Design Training Using Canva to Disseminate Public Information in Warudoyong District, Sukabumi City http://jurnal.bsi.ac.id/index.php/jatik/article/view/3171 <p><em>Technological progress is something that cannot be avoided in this life, because technological progress will run in line with scientific progress. With technological advances, society can create, innovate and adapt more quickly, thereby opening up new opportunities and enabling more rapid development in various areas of life. This is done to avoid being left behind in the era of globalization. The problem that exists in Warudoyong District, Sukabumi City is a lack of understanding about the use of the Canva application which can be used as a means of designing digital publication media. So this is an opportunity to hold community service regarding Graphic Design Training Using Canva for Disseminating Public Information in Warudoyong District, Sukabumi City. From this description, the Sukabumi City Campus Information Systems Study Program at Bina Sarana Informatika University intends to hold community service activities for all staff in Warudoyong District, Sukabumi City in utilizing the Canva application. The implementation method used for this community service activity is offline while still complying with health protocol procedures. The results of this activity are also important to be understood and adopted by the Warudoyong District, Sukabumi City, which is expected to improve skills and knowledge so that they are always responsive and adapt to changes in the environment so that they can continue to develop by utilizing various existing technologies. The target output is publication of articles in print or electronic mass media, as well as increasing knowledge and improving skills..</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Graphic Design, Canva, Warudoyong District</em></p> Erika Mutiara Denny Pribadi Taufik Hidayatulloh Anis Marsela Muhammad Ihsan Permana Mohamad Tesyar Razbani Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 1 1 42 47