Penerapan Metode AHP Dalam Seleksi Penerimaan Karyawan Baru Pada PT. Pos Indonesia Tangerang
Seleksi karyawan, AHP, PT.Pos Indonesia TangerangAbstract
At PT Pos Indonesia, Tangerang Branch, the selection process is a process of finding and attracting workers who have the potential to fill job vacancies, qualified workforce greatly affects the progress of the company. In selecting new employees, high accuracy is required in selecting applicants who have registered one by one. The problem that is often faced in this company is the difficulty of making decisions to determine which applicants will be accepted. One of the effective ways of needing a decision support system is by applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, namely by weighting the criteria and applicants, the number of applicants applying for PT Pos Indonesia Tangerang Branch consists of 5 applicants namely Muhammad Aldi, Saskia, Dian, Dio , and Purnama. The criteria needed are, experience, education, expertise, appearance, and age. From the existing criteria in this company. The results of the calculation using the AHP method can be said that the selection of employees is Dio Hermawan by ranking first with a weight value of 0.250697626 if per cent it is equivalent to (25%) of the total alternatives set, and it can be interpreted that the data is consistent. . The Decision Support System using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method provides the resulting information more accurately and on time.
Keywords: Selection of employees, AHP, PT.Pos Indonesia Tangerang
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