Pengaruh Revolusi Industri 4.0 Terhadap Motivasi, Tingkat Pendidikan Dan Kinerja Karyawan
This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of the 4.0 industrial revolution on motivation variables , education level and employee performance in the case study of PT Deka Marketing Research. Research Methods . The research will be conducted using quantitative and qualitative approaches . Research Data Sources .  Through the respondent ,. Population and Sample . consists of objects / subjects that have certain quantities and characteristics determined by the researcher . Sample . totaled 53 people Â
(1). Effect of Motivation on Performance . Statistically, it means that motivation has a positive and significant effect on performance. The higher the effort to motivate, the progressive employee performance will be. This is in line with the theory of motivation, put forward by Herzberg, McClelland and Vroom, the value of determination coefficient (R Square) obtained is 0.358 or 35.8%, meaning that the dependent variable performance is contributed and influenced by the independent variable of motivation, while the remaining 64.2% is explained. by variables other than motivation. The R value is 0.598 (a), indicating that the magnitude of the positive relationship between motivation and performance is strong, because the value is close to> 0.5
(2). Effect of Education Level on Performance . The level of education that is carried out will have an effect on the perceived work of the individual . , Table 9 on the Results Output Linear Regression Summary Model (Model Summary), the value of coefficient of determination (R Square) obtained amounted to 0.420 or 42 , 0 %, where the dependent variable performance contributed and influenced by independent variables level of education, while the remaining 58 , 0% is explained by other variables outside the variable job satisfaction. From the regression model equation obtained, namely: Performance = 19,118 + 0.499 Education Level (X2), proving that the coefficient value of education level for variable X2 is 0.499. This implies that every one unit increase in job satisfaction, the performance variable (Y) will increase by 0.499 with the assumption that the other independent variables of the regression model are fixed.
- The Effect of Motivation and Education Level on Performance . Statistically, it can be proven that there is a positive and significant influence between motivation and education level on performance. When motivation and education levels increase, the performance that employees produce will also increase. In Table 5 regarding the Summary of the Linear Regression Output Model (Model Summary), the adjusted coefficient of determination (R square) is 0.544 or 54.4%, meaning that the performance variables are contributed and influenced by motivation and educational level variables, while the rest 45.6% is explained by other variables outside the variables of motivation and education level. The model built can explain the dependent variable with the independent variable, indicated by the F-test value received at a significance level below 0.05, namely the sig value. 0.000 and Fcount> Ftable with a significance level of 5% (28.011> 3.19). With the ANOVA test, this model has met the requirements as a model that can explain the effect on the performance variables of the two independent variables, namely motivation and education level.
 Keywords: R evolution of industry 4.0 will determine employee motivation, education level and performance .
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Copyright (c) 2021 Bayu Nur, Evy Priyanti, Tamrin Lanori, Sofyan Wahyu

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