Implementasi Penerapan Aplikasi E-Raport Menggunakan Metode RAD Pada SDN Rawa Badak Utara
Aplikasi, e-raport, pendidikanAbstract
 SDN Rawa Badak Utara 03 is one of the educational institutions under the guidance of the government and in 2019 SDN RBU 03 implemented the E-report application in accordance with the provisions called for by the government in rule number 23 of 2016 concerning educational assessment standards. However, in the implementation of the E-report application, there are several shortcomings that teachers complain about, such as the teacher being required to first record student grades in a blank format that is downloaded from the E-report and then enter the student's grades through the excel application and re-upload it so that this is make data collection time so quite time consuming. Based on these complaints, the authors would like to propose a solution to develop the development version of the E-report application to make it easier and more effective in managing student grade data. In the stage of developing the E-report version 2 application (the author's version) the author uses the RAD (Rappid Application Development) method because the method used in the development of additional software has a relatively short development cycle. RAD has 3 stages that are structured and interdependent at each stage, while the stages are as follows: (1) Planning requirements consisting of system requirements analysis, (2) RAD design workshop which is a stage where the design involves users, (3) Implementation which is the stage of the system that has been agreed upon, built and refined and then tested. With the E-report the author's version it makes teachers save more time by only entering grades once into the E-report application without having to download a blank format to input grades and make it easier for teachers to see the grades of students who do not reach the KKM or who do not. achieved.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ricki Sastra, Mery Arjohan, Dicky Hariyanto, Arfhan Prasetyo, Numan Musyaffa

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