Pemodelan Aplikasi Pengelolaan Data Wajib Pajak Menggunakan Pendekatan SDLC
Sistem Informasi, Pengelolaan Data Wajib Pajak, Prototipe, SDLCAbstract
Efficient and accurate taxpayer data management is very important in supporting tax administration.
However, the data management system used in Tuntungan 1 Village currently still relies on traditional methods
that are less integrated, thus limiting the efficiency and accuracy in managing taxpayer data. This study aims to
design a taxpayer data management information system model using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
approach and prototype method. The SDLC stages include planning, user needs analysis, and model design with
UML diagrams that map the process flow and interactions between system components clearly and systematically.
The results of the study are in the form of a comprehensive information system model, which is expected to increase
efficiency and accuracy in managing taxpayer data. Based on the evaluation, this system model shows a feasibility
value of 87%, which indicates good potential to be applied in supporting more structured and integrated taxpayer
data management.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kalfida Eka Wati Siregar, Ulfi Muzayyanah Fadil, Armansyah Armansyah

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