Penyelesaian Transaksi Keuangan Dengan Menggunakan Zahir Versi 6 Pada PT Kartini The Nasional Jakarta


  • Wara Anindya Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
  • Murniyati Murniyati Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
  • Herudini Herudini Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika



Financial Transaction Settlement


Many interpret that year after year the development of information technology is getting better, many computer systems are created by humans to make it easier to do work. The application and utilization of information technology has become something that is needed for business sector organizations, many companies have switched to using information systems and left Microsoft excel recording, accounting records using Microsoft Excel cause ineffective and efficient in making financial reports Errors caused by Human Errors such as less Accuracy and errors in recording often occur, in addition to manually inputting data and journaling requires a longer time and requires extra accuracy in the calculation process. including the accounting information system. The method of collecting data by means of interviews, observations, and literature study methods, aims to make it easier to operate without changing the basis of learning accounting information systems. Many have created various accounting software, one of which is Zahir version 6. In Zahir Accounting, accounting journals and financial reports can be created automatically, even ordinary people can operate them. Equipped with various financial report analysis features, such as ratio analysis, break even points, and interactive and integrated graphs, business actors can make decisions quickly. Implementing the Zahir system version 6 for all transactions and preparation of financial reports will simplify, speed up, minimize errors in recording and be more accurate in presenting financial statements.


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