Jurnal Abdimas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
<p>Jurnal Abdimas Ekonomi dan Bisnis merupakan Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat yang pertama kali publikasi tahun 2021 dengan ISSN (Elektronik) No <a title="EISSN" href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&1613780897&1&&" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2775-5134</a> dari Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia.</p> <p>Jurnal Abdimas Ekonomi dan Bisnis merupakan jurnal hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di <strong>bidang Ekonomi, Akuntansi, dan Manajemen </strong>dengan persyaratan artikel tidak pernah dipublikasikan secara online atau versi cetak sebelumnya.</p> <p><strong>Jurnal Abdimas Ekonomi dan Bisnis </strong>telah terkreditasi oleh Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi melalui Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi Nomor <strong>79/E/KPT/2023</strong> dengan Peringkat <strong>Sinta 4 </strong>mulai Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021 sampai Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2025.</p> <p>Jurnal Abdimas Ekonomi dan Bisnis diterbitkan dalam versi online dengan jadwal publikasi pada bulan Mei dan November setiap tahunnya. </p>LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatikaen-USJurnal Abdimas Ekonomi dan Bisnis2775-5134Pelatihan Manajemen Keuangan Bagi Pelaku Home Industry Pupuk Organik Di Desa Kopeng
<p><em>The growth of the home industry producing organic fertilizer in Kopeng Village is starting to grow. The large number of organic fertilizer businesses emerging has increasingly added to the competition in Kopeng Village. Home industry players must also be able to maintain the characteristics and quality so that they can produce quality and attractive organic fertilizer. However, in the midst of the development of the organic fertilizer home industry, various obstacles are often faced by home industry players, namely capital problems and poor financial management, making it difficult for business people to obtain credit/capital from banks. Realizing this, the PKM Team carried out service with the aim of providing knowledge and helping manage finances for home industry business actors as a result of the fairly high competition in the business world. In this service, PKM participants are given training in determining selling prices, making purchase and sales reports, as well as helping to calculate the desired profit and conducting training in preparing simple financial reports. The methods used in this service activity are observation, presentation of material and training practices regarding good financial management. The target audience for this service activity is home industry business actors in Kopeng Village and who are members of the Memayu Jogo Tonggo Kopeng cooperative, totaling 10 organic fertilizer home industry businesses. From the pre-test results, only 20% of participants had knowledge about financial management, while the other 80% of participants had no knowledge at all about financial management. Likewise with knowledge of financial reports and knowledge of general journals. From the post test results, it shows an increase in the participants' abilities and knowledge. The most significant increase was knowledge about financial management which provided an increase of up to 100% because the material provider succeeded in providing exposure and practicum in preparing simple financial reports directly for home industry business actors producing organic fertilizer.</em></p>Silvia HendrayantiWanuri WanuriPipit Sundari
Copyright (c) 2024 Silvia Hendrayanti, Wanuri Wanuri, Pipit Sundari
2024-10-182024-10-184210811810.31294/abdiekbis.v4i2.3403Pelatihan Aplikasi Laporan Keuangan atas Standar Akuntansi PSAK 1 Pada BUMDes Guna Mencapai Tujuan Berkelanjutan SDGis
<p><em>The aim of PKM training is to implement applications to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in BUMDes.</em> <em>The presentation of financial reports to BUMDes by Indo Global Mandiri University lecturers involved three (3) lecturers and four (4) students so that students could put into practice the theories they had gained from studying in the industrial world.</em> <em>The results of PKM activities are so that BUMDes can make financial reports guided by PSAK 1, namely transparent and accurate, for stakeholders to understand the use and management of resources better.</em> <em>This application can help BUMDes to manage and present financial reports more efficiently, saving time and resources that can be allocated to activities that support the achievement of sustainable goals, namely Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at BUMDes in accordance with applicable accounting standards and regulations while still complying with regulations.</em> <em>and minimize the risk of non-compliance.</em> <em>Through financial reports produced by BUMDes, BUMDes can monitor financial performance over time, identify trends and patterns that can assist in decision making to achieve sustainable goals.</em> <em>The application of financial reports that are presented in a structured and accurate manner for BUMDes can increase access to external financial resources, such as loans or grants, which can be used to support initiatives.</em></p>Lesi HertatiWinwin YadiatiAsmawati AsharieAgustina Heriyati
Copyright (c) 2024 Lesi Hertati, Winwin Yadiati, Asmawati Asharie, Agustina Heriyati
2024-10-182024-10-184211912910.31294/abdiekbis.v4i2.3404Kolaboratif PKM Internasional Mobility Consortium Pengelolaan Komunikasi Pemasaran Melalui Digitalisasi Bisnis Di Thailand
<p><em>This service activity was carried out in Thailand in the context of joint International PKM in order to realize effective marketing communications management which is the key to business success in the current digital era.</em> <em>Collaboration in the field of business digitalization offers great opportunities for economic growth and wider market penetration.</em> <em>This PKM aims to explore how collaboration in the PKM International Mobility Consortium can encourage innovation in the field of marketing communications management through business digitalization in Thailand.</em> <em>Through a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and content analysis, collecting data from business stakeholders, academics and practitioners in Thailand.</em> <em>The pretest and posttest results show that collaboration in the International PKM consortium encourages the exchange of knowledge and resources between organizations from various countries, enriching local perspectives with a global view.</em> <em>Business digitalization developed through collaboration results in more adaptive and effective marketing communications strategies, enabling MSMEs in Thailand to reach a wider audience and increase competitiveness in the global market.</em></p>Nani CahyaniRatih PuspitasariLesi HertatiJanthy HidayatNabila Nurfaiza
Copyright (c) 2024 Nani Cahyani, Ratih Puspitasari, Lesi Hertati, Janthy Hidayat, Nabila Nurfaiza
2024-10-282024-10-284213014210.31294/abdiekbis.v4i2.3405Pelatihan Service Excellence dan Business English Correspondence Bagi Staf Yayasan Kanker Anak Indonesia
<p><em>The importance providing service from the heart to stakeholders noble organization or company needs to do. One of them is service excellence provided to cancer patients, especially children. Apart from that, to collaborate with external parties, Yayasan Kanker Anak Indonesia (YKAI) requires English business correspondence with members of Childhood Cancer International. This training aims to improve service excellence skills for YKAI staff and increase understanding business correspondence in English for YKAI staff. The problem for community service partners is a lack of understanding excellent service and a lack of understanding business correspondence in English. Because the educational backgrounds the staff are different. The training method delivered using the lecture method as well discussion question and answer of delivering material online via the zoom meeting application as the evaluation measurement method implementation the abdimas by providing questionnaire with Google form to the abdimas participants including pre-test and post-test. The results implementing community service activities are reviewed from three indicators, indicator ability to implement service excellence YKAI staff increased by 35%, the indicator knowledge regarding business correspondence in English has increased by 60%, and the indicator ability to write business correspondence in English has increased by 75%. This training activity very beneficial for partners of compassion and humanity towards others.</em></p>Reni HariyaniFenti SofianiDidik Hariyadi RaharjoTio Prasetio
Copyright (c) 2024 Reni Hariyani, Fenti Sofiani, Didik Hariyadi Raharjo, Tio Prasetio
2024-10-282024-10-284214315410.31294/abdiekbis.v4i2.3593Peningkatan Pengetahuan Membuat Digital Asset dan Komersialisasinya Pada Siswa SMK Kesehatan Aras Depok
<p><em>There are two primary challenges faced by students of SMK Kesehatan Aras Sawangan Depok. Firstly, there is a proficiency issue in videography and photography, considering </em>SMK <em>Kesehatan Aras</em><em> specializes in health education and lacks focus on videography, photography, or visual communication design. Secondly, students encounter difficulties in utilizing digital platforms as avenues for selling digital assets such as videos and photos. Addressing these issues is crucial for enabling students to commence monetizing digital assets online. The objective of this training program is to enhance students' knowledge and skills in producing digital assets and commercializing them through the Gettyimages application. The method employed is Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). This community service activity was attended by 27 Aras Vocational School students. Based on pretest and posttest analysis, it shows that the increase in participants' knowledge varied between 82%-100%, with an average increase in understanding for the 27 participants of 91.92%. So it can be concluded that the objectives of this training have been achieved, this training has had a positive impact as shown by the increase in participants' understanding of 11 aspects of the science of selling digital assets in the form of videos and photos on the Gettyimages platform.</em></p>Muhammad Rofi'iAnanta HagabeanAriel Nian GaniMuhammad FaisalNovia TulasmiyantiDioni Yurinda Rahmasuciana
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Rofi'i, Ananta Hagabean, Ariel Nian Gani, Muhammad Faisal, Novia Tulasmiyanti, Dioni Yurinda Rahmasuciana
2024-10-282024-10-284215516510.31294/abdiekbis.v4i2.3639Pelatihan Perencanaan Keuangan pada Bisnis Baru di Rumah Hasanah Margahayu, Bandung
<p><em>Financial Planning Training for New Businesses plays a crucial role in addressing the challenges faced by new business owners, particularly in managing finances. The main problem often encountered is the lack of knowledge and experience in business financial management. This training aims to provide a deep understanding of the process of building a new business while designing efficient financial planning. The implementation method includes the dissemination of basic financial planning concepts, cash flow preparation practices, and simple financial statement simulations. As a result, participants can manage their resources more intelligently, increase operational efficiency, and maximize business investment returns. This training emphasizes resource limitations, such as limited budgets and a lack of experience in financial planning. Moreover, the training focuses on the importance of financial management in business operations through simple transaction recording. In conclusion, this training helps new business owners run their businesses with effective financial management, establishing a solid foundation for achieving success in a competitive business world.</em></p>Yulia Nur HasanahFikri Mohamad RizaldiBudi Prasetiyo
Copyright (c) 2024 Yulia Nur Hasanah, Fikri Mohamad Rizaldi, Budi Prasetiyo
2024-10-282024-10-284216617410.31294/abdiekbis.v4i2.4366Edukasi Tantangan Transformasi Digital di Dunia Bisnis pada Masyarakat Dapil Sumatera Selatan 2
<p><em>Digital transformation has become an essential aspect of economic development and modern society, especially in Indonesia, which is currently a leading player in the ASEAN digital economy. A 2022 study by Google Temasek Bain & Company showed that Indonesia contributes around 40% of the total value of digital economy transactions in ASEAN. One of the challenges of digital transformation in Indonesia lies in the use of information and communication technology in business processes and community activities. This community service project aims to analyze the main challenges in digital transformation in Indonesia's business sector, particularly in utilizing information and communication technology to improve business efficiency. The method used is a national webinar-based community service involving legislators, academics, and practitioners, with an awareness-raising approach through presentations and interactive discussions. The results of this activity show that public awareness of the challenges of digital transformation increased by 70%, with participants gaining a better understanding of the importance of strategies in utilizing digital technologies, such as social media, data analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI). In conclusion, digital transformation is an urgent necessity to enhance business competitiveness in the digital economy era, with the involvement of diverse stakeholders being key to addressing these challenges.</em></p>Feliks Prasepta Sejahtera Surbakti
Copyright (c) 2024 Feliks Prasepta Sejahtera Surbakti
2024-10-302024-10-304217518210.31294/abdiekbis.v4i2.5769Pelatihan Dasar Pemasaran Digital Sebagai Upaya Memperluas Jaringan Pemasaran Produk Pertanian Kelompok Tani Desa Sidomulyo Kabupaten Mojokerto Provinsi Jawa Timur
<p><em>Seno hamlet, Sidomulyo village, Mojokerto regency, East Java province. The problem faced by the partners was the lack of knowledge and skills regarding digital marketing for agricultural products. So far, marketing of the partners' agricultural products has mostly been done through word of mouth, resulting in a limited marketing reach primarily around Sidomulyo village in Mojokerto regency. This has led to slow sales growth for the partners' agricultural products. The solution implemented was to provide knowledge and skills to the partners about the fundamentals of digital marketing for agricultural products. The aim of this community service activity was to enhance the knowledge and skills of the partners regarding the basics of digital marketing, enabling them to market their agricultural products more widely through digital media. The method used involves providing knowledge and skills to the partners about the fundamentals of digital marketing for agricultural products in the form of training, as well as evaluating the level of knowledge and skills of the training participants. This method was carried out through lectures, discussions, and practical sessions. The results of this community service activity show that 10% of the training participants have excellent knowledge and skills in the fundamentals of digital marketing for agricultural products, 70% have good criteria, and 30% have fairly good criteria. From this community service activity, it can be concluded that this effort increases the number of farmer group members who have knowledge and skills regarding digital marketing for agricultural products.</em></p>Achmad RijantoSuesthi RahayuningsihLuki Ardiantoro
Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Rijanto, Suesthi Rahayuningsih, Luki Ardiantoro
2024-10-292024-10-294218319310.31294/abdiekbis.v4i2.5654Transformasi Digital untuk Mewujudkan Ruang Publik Yang Lebih Cerdas
<p><em>The purpose of this activity is to provide solutions to problems in RPTRA in the form of RPTRA management information systems and provide information technology training in the form of RPTRA website management. The problem in the management of RPTRA so far is that there has been no integrated data, both data on guest visits, activity agendas, and events carried out by RPTRA and external parties that use the Annur RPTRA land. The main problems related to digital infrastructure at RPTRA Annur are the availability of access to digital information such as the use of devices for digital learning for children, access to information and online registration of activities, communication and coordination between RPTRA managers and the community. The expected result in Community Service at RPTRA Annur is to make a product in the form of an RPTRA website profile that contains an agenda of activities and events, and a guest visit book that uses land at RPTRA. In addition, with this digital transformation activity, RPTRA managers also gain increased knowledge in using the Canva application for the learning process carried out.</em></p>Haryani HaryaniSarifah AgustianiAgus JunaidiWahyudin Wahyudin
Copyright (c) 2024 Haryani, Sarifah Agustiani, Agus Junaidi, Wahyudin Wahyudin
2024-11-042024-11-044219420110.31294/abdiekbis.v4i2.7289Pengembangan UMKM Melalui Penggunaan Aplikasi Manajemen Keuangan Pada Kelompok Mitra Usaha UMAMI Di Kabupaten Banyuwangi
<p><em>Economic development in Indonesia cannot be separated from the very important role of UMKM in improving the domestic economy. The biggest contribution of UMKM is that they are able to absorb and provide jobs for many workers. But behind that, UMKM have other challenges such as lack of capital and financial literacy, especially in Banyuwangi Regency. Many UMKM players under the UMAMI association have not been disciplined in preparing financial reports so they have difficulty getting financing from banks. To overcome this, the Abdimas team held mobile application-based financial management training activities to help UMKM players improve their ability to record financial reports in a neat and structured manner. The training method used in Abdimas activities is a participatory approach which begins with preparation of joint activities with UMAMI partners. The next activity is making a work plan which is followed by implementing activities in the form of training on the use of financial applications and ends with an evaluation to determine the effectiveness of using financial applications. Training in the use of financial applications has a positive impact on UMKM. Where previously training was carried out on financial management applications, 56% of UMKM players thought it was not very important. However, after the training, more than 70% of UMKM players felt satisfied and stated that this application was very useful for UMKM players in making financial reports neater and more structured. Based on the benefits obtained, UMKM players will continue to use financial applications on an ongoing basis to increase the awareness and ability of UMKM players in managing finances using technology.</em></p>Estu HandayaniArif Hadi SumitroNur Prasetyo
Copyright (c) 2024 Estu Handayani, Arif Hadi Sumitro, Nur Prasetyo
2024-11-052024-11-054220221310.31294/abdiekbis.v4i2.5724Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Pengelolaan Bank Sampah Dan Laporan Keuangan Berbasis Website Pada Bank Sampah Melati Bersih, Bojonggede, Bogor
<p><em>Clean Melati Waste Bank (BSMB) Atsiri Permai is an institution driving community empowerment in terms of effective waste management as an application of the green economy concept which will provide great benefits for the community's economy and environmental sustainability. BSMB Atsiri Permai activities have been running since 2013 with the motto Clean and Smile Movement starting from 3 R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) which is an inorganic waste management technique starting from providing information about how to sort inorganic waste and collect used cooking oil. The aim of this PKM Program is to apply digital technology to the management of BSMB Atsiri Permai RW. 12 to improve BSMB activity services for its customers in obtaining the necessary information anytime and anywhere as well as making it easier to create website-based financial reports. The method used is by providing counseling, training and assistance regarding the use of waste bank management applications and website-based financial reports on BSMB and evaluation by providing questionnaires with indicators of website usability, ease of recording and accessing data, types of information and reports on the Waste Bank website Atsiri Permai. The results of the PkM show that the website-based Waste Bank Application Training is very beneficial for BSMB Atsiri Permai, such as providing activity information that can be accessed at any time and can be widely reached as well as making it easier to record, manage the Waste Bank, report to customers and prepare financial reports to increase transparency. and accountability in fund management. Technology and to minimize recording errors. There has been an increase in understanding and skills in using waste bank management applications and preparing financial reports by 90%.</em></p>Sri RusiyatiFrisma HandayannaIndah Purnamasari
Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Rusiyati, Frisma Handayanna, Indah Purnamasari
2024-11-112024-11-114221422210.31294/abdiekbis.v4i2.6007Penerapan Pemasaran Bergerak dan Digital pada Usaha Siomay melalui Pelatihan dan Pendampingan di Surabaya
<p><em>The culinary business, as part of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), has the potential to generate promising income. One such example is the production of snacks, specifically dumpling, in the form of siomay. Doyan Somay is a business that produce siomay in Surabaya, which has been established since 2018. However, the revenue from this business has not reached its full potential by the end of 2023. The marketing strategy employed is still simple, relying primarily on partnerships with business affilliates and regular customers. Given this situation, the aim of this Community Service activity is to optimize Doyan Somay’s revenue by implementing digital marketing strategies. The solution offered to the partner is the application of marketing strategies through social media and mobile marketing using e-commerce platforms. The method used includes training and mentoring. The methodology is based on four main stages: preparation, implementation, evalution, and monitoring. This series of community service activities has had a positive impact on the partner, especially in increasing the active use of social media and e-commerce as marketing channels. Gradually, the partner’s revenue has shown an increase of approximately two to three percent per day.</em></p>Ellen Theresia SihotangIqbal Ramadhani MukhlisDewi Murdiawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Ellen Theresia Sihotang, Iqbal Ramadhani Mukhlis, Dewi Murdiawati